Box Breathing

Box breathing stands out as a straightforward technique designed to ease tension, clear the mind, and enhance concentration. Its simplicity makes it a valuable tool in various scenarios, including stressful situations, bedtime routines, and everyday life.


Advantages of a restful nights sleep

While the advantages of a restful night’s sleep are vast and extensively documented—rejuvenating brain cells, repairing skin, enhancing productivity and mood, and fortifying major bodily systems—it is estimated that approximately 20 million people in the UK suffer from sleep-related issues, such as sleep deprivation and insomnia.

Just say “no”

Performance coaching workshops

Is your life like a tornado of things you must do? Chances to grab? Focusing on what others want from you? While we handle our personal and work lives, we often feel very busy, too involved, and stressed. For people who like making others happy, setting limits can seem hard at first. But in the long run, it helps make life more peaceful.

New Year, new plans

Performance coaching workshops

As we navigate the final few days of work before a well-earned rest, I’d would like to sow a seed for the new year and your plans for 2024.